FAQ’s - Consulting & Process Improvement
Q: Why do I need a business consultant?
A: There are many reasons, but the most important is to help identify goals and keep you on track to achievement.
Q: Aren’t consultants expensive?
A: Our approach is much different than most. We charge a very modest hourly fee, typically 50% less than most competitive firms. We address specific needs of you or your company. We are not forced into any particular box or methodology.
Q: What is Process Improvement and how can it help my company?
A: Our business experience can help identify day-to-day processes that will improve effectiveness, lower costs, and in many cases, improve employee satisfaction by implementing processes that maximize their production and add to your bottom line.
Q: Why Creative Business Authority over others?
A: Typically, we are already engaged in your business through bookkeeping and payroll. This is a real advantage. We understand your business; therefore you don’t spend time educating us on what you do. We have experience in operations management at many levels. A consultant that does not understand your business cannot do a credible job in any consulting capacity.
Q: Do I need to employ your other services before I can use your business management consulting service?
A: No. Although we hit the ground running when we are already engaged in your business, but it is not necessary to be using other Creative Business Authority products or services to engage in this service. The principal of Creative Business has over 30 years of business management experience working with individuals, small companies and large, and international corporations. He has worked with all levels of employees through senior executive managers and owners on business development, business goal development and systems to achieve goals, as well as financial management.